Projects should satisfy at least one of the following objectives to be considered for CIF funding:
Funding applications are open to Singapore-registered organisations, including companies and trade unions.
Individuals should apply for the CIF through a registered organisation, company or trade union.
Did you know that the CIF supports a wide variety of projects? Here are some examples:
We are always open to new ideas and welcome you to consider innovative ways to promote integration! We support projects where integration of locals and foreigners is a major objective.
The funding amount granted will vary as it depends on how well each project meets the CIF’s objectives. The CIF can provide co-funding of up to 80% of the total qualifying costs (i.e. costs that are eligible for CIF support), or the net qualifying costs (i.e. eligible costs less income or net deficit) of approved projects, whichever lower. The maximum funding for a project is up to S$100,000. However, projects where integration is a secondary objective are less likely to receive strong funding support.
Here are some examples of types of projects and costs which the CIF will not support:
Types of projects |
Types of costs |
View a more comprehensive but non-exhaustive list of non-qualifying costs.
The support of projects and acceptance of claims are subject to CIF terms & conditions, and MCCY's approval.
The grant is given on a reimbursement basis. If you are successful in your application, please submit all required documents for reimbursement within:
Required documents for reimbursement are:
Reimbursement will be computed based on actual income and qualifying expenditure. The final amount you will receive will be lower of the following, capped at the maximum approved funding:
Funds will be disbursed within a month after the satisfactory submission of all required documents for reimbursement and clarifications.
Applications can be submitted through OurSG Grants portal, together with the project Budget Form and supporting documents.
Please submit your applications at least eight weeks before the start of the proposed project, as late submissions will not be accepted. For new or large-scale projects, you are encouraged to make an earlier submission to allow for sufficient time for discussion with the Secretariat.
Contact the NIC Secretariat at for enquiries.